NEW VIDEO - I Almost Called You Babe video released
Happy to announce the release of our new video for Mike Evin’s Almost Called You Babe, the lead off single for his forthcoming album.
It was a single take video that took about 4 hours or so to get the timing of everything perfect for at least one take.
One note of mild interest, the pocket square in Mike’s jacket was a detail we had discussed in pre-production, wanting just a spot of colour to link him to the background. Come the day, no one had remembered to bring anything, but fortunately our friend (‘In My Room’ star Ben Apgar) who was assisting had a bright orange lens cleaner for his glasses. The colour was not all what we wanted, but we were able to change it in post, masking around the the pocket area and tracking it through the scene. As I said, mild interest.
You may be wondering how we did the light effect inside the piano during the solo? Oh, you’re not wondering? Never mind then.
I Almost Called You Babe
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a song about longing and heartache.